Game of Thrones Whiskey - Good Value?

When they announced that Game of Thrones was to be cancelled, many companies decided to get on board with the BIG finale. After all, the show was immensely popular.

So Diageo decided to make a collection just for the final season. To say the least, fans and whiskey drinkers alike thought it was a great idea. In fact, the typical liquor store that had the bottles found themselves able to price them above the “retail” pricing, and they had a difficult time having enough to fill the demand. eBay, CraigsList, and other sources soon found people selling the few bottles available at highly elevated prices, with an audience that seemed more than willing to pay they price, just to complete a collection of the 8 unique bottles.

At one point you could see stores selling the entire collection of 8 bottles for anywhere from $1,500.00 to over $3,000.00. Some of the individual bottles had prices over the $200.00 mark.

Now 4 months later, the product simply does not have the “fanbase” that it did prior to the airing of the last episode. In fact today, 9/19/2019, we cannot see selling the entire collection of 8 collector bottles for $725.00.

So if you were one that purchased the bottles for your collection, and spent the $1,500.00 or more, you probably are not very happy with the “fire sale” that is now occurring. But only time will tell if in the years to come, the value rebounds.