Using Propane in Winter with PowerBlanket Lite

In winter as the temperature drops, so does the pressure in your propane tank.  


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So how does this effect your experience?  Well when it drops below 32 degrees (what some of us call freezing), and your propane tank is not full, the lower the temperature can create a situation where the pressure is not high enough to deliver the propane to the furnace, stove or propane appliance.  Now that can be a problem!  Some people choose to use larger tanks, but even larger tanks don't really solve the issue with temperature.  The only way to really solve the issue is to raise the temperature of your propane tank.

So how does temperature effect the pressure of your propane?

As you can see as your temperature drops, so does your pressure.

With PowerBlanket Lite, you can raise the temperature to 80+ degrees, so that your propane pressure is just like it is in the summer.

When we have used PowerBlanket Lite, in the cold winters of New England, even when the temperature dropped to -25 degrees, our propane continued to work as good as a regular summer day !

PowerBlanket uses 1 amp of power, and plugs into a regular wall electric outlet.

So check out for all your propane heating needs !


Look at our Recommended Products list to find out where you can purchase your PowerBlanket



  • None




  • Raises Temperature/Pressure of gas for improved efficiency of delivery
  • Uses low power 1-1.5 amps
  • Temperature sensor only runs blanket when needed
  • Easy release straps for changing LP